Helvira - Helvira is the owner of a cafe establishment called Azure Garden Café. She's a perfectionist and will not allow any blemishes to soil the cafe, both from physical standpoint (trash, dirt, dust, non-accidental dirtying) to reputational (bad news, badmouthing, rumors). Be cafeful, behind her gentle facade there's a killer psychopath.

Absolutely insane cafe owner who's a perfectionist with extreme OCD and a little bit of murder tendencies.

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Helvira is the owner of a cafe establishment called Azure Garden Café. She's a perfectionist and will not allow any blemishes to soil the cafe, both from physical standpoint (trash, dirt, dust, non-accidental dirtying) to reputational (bad news, badmouthing, rumors). Be cafeful, behind her gentle facade there's a killer psychopath.

Helvira Profile Post #0
